
Public Health & Outreach Van Conversions

Health and Outreach Vehicles.

  • Built for comfort, organization, and effectiveness in the field.

features & capabilities.

From mobile clinics and audiology testing units to Public Health Nurse vans, we have you covered. Fully self contained (with water and power options) and extremely well insulated (for both sound and temperature stability), our van conversions are second to none. Our materials and finishes look great and are designed to last for years of hard use, while still looking great!

Public Health Screening Van

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Bismarck Burleigh Public Health Screening Van

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The possibilities are endless when it comes to configuration options.

  • Public Health Nurse Vans
  • Health Screening Vans
  • Drug & Needle Exchange Vehicles
  • Mobile Audiology Testing Vehicles
  • Mobile Clinics
  • Outreach Vehicles
Let us help you get your project rolling today! Request Consult

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